Friday, November 2, 2007

Who killed Laura Palmer?

If you've never experienced Twin Peaks, now is the time.

David Lynch's masterpiece was a cult favorite back in the '90s. Watch it today, and it doesn't lose any of its luster. It's completely bizarre, but it's artful and unique. (If you know anything about David Lynch, I'm sure you're not surprised.) "Who killed Laura Palmer" was the pop culture mantra of the day - not unlike last season's "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" catchphrase fave.

Twin Peaks was some quality TV. It's finally out on DVD, so give it a shot... If only so you can be in on the phenomenon of days of yore.

If you already love Twin Peaks, visit this site to get cool wallpaper, downloads, widgets, and other Twin Peaks stuff. Agent Cooper is now on my desktop. I couldn't be happier.

1 comment:

DeeDubya said...

Twin Peaks is my absolute favourite TV show ever. Loved it. Over in the UK we can only get season one on DVD. The second never matched the quality of the first and the Who Killed LP story arc but it was still damn fine.