Check out the mini-pilot for Veronica Mars season 4: 4 years later. It's broken into 2 parts, about 6 mins each, which you'll find below. This was what Rob Thomas and company put together to try to get V-Mars picked up for a fourth season. To no avail, unfortunately. But this is what might have been. (Oh Kristen Bell, you're wonderful. Please, Tim Kring, give her more face time on Heroes!)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
V-Mars: The Season that Never Was
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1:32 PM
Labels: Veronica Mars
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Happy Halloween!!
OK TV fans, what are your favorite Halloween TV specials? Here are mine. Got faves you don't see here? Leave them in the comments!
- It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! (Peanuts classic. Not as good for me as the Thanksgiving one, but still good.)
- Garfield's Halloween Adventure (I watched this all year round when I was little. My favorite Garfield special ever.)
- Simpsons Treehouse of Horror (Simpsons. Halloween. Need I say more?)
And a little TREAT for you:
Posted by
11:29 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
Aliens in America
Okay, I'll admit, I was reluctant to watch this show. Why, you ask? Because it's a sitcom on the CW. Which conjures images of Girlfriends and Kevin Hill. Need I say more?
But seriously, watch Aliens in America. It's so good! Sitcom that's funny, heartwarming and has no laugh track. It's going on the list of shows I watch every week. I recommend you give it a spin too.
Posted by
8:59 PM
Labels: Aliens in America, The CW
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Fall assessment
Well it's that time of the season. Time to reflect on the new TV shows. Here's the roundup:
Shows I've Ditched:
- The Big Bang Theory (that only took one horrible ep)
- Journeyman (bo-ring)
- Prison Break (sorry boys... I stuck with you as long as I could. Even Wentworth Miller's hot bod couldn't keep me another season)
- Bionic Woman (too much exposition... and time slot competition)
- Big Shots (couldn't even sit through a full ep)
- Dirty Sexy Money (sorry, Peter Krause. I tried.)
Shows I Have to Watch In Real Time Because I Can't Wait:
- The Office (yeah I'm obsessed)
- How I Met Your Mother (I love you guys)
- 30 Rock (Tina Fey is my hero)
- Scrubs (last season ever. Sad!)
Guilty Pleasures:- Gossip Girl (Yeah I can't help myself. This is good TV.)
- Men in Trees (Please please please Nielsen viewers, start watching this show. It makes me inexplicably happy.)
- I Love NY (I can't resist this trainwreck. It's hilarious.)
- Private Practice (This show has really grown on me. I find myself excited to see what happens each week. I can't really explain it. Hey Tim Kring, note well how Shonda managed to create a second show without ruining either one...)
Biggest Disappointment:
- Chuck (I hate to say it, but I think Chuck is getting cut from my roster. It's been downhill since the pilot. Sorry, Chuck. You're adorable. But I can't do it anymore. It's not you, it's me. Actually, nope, it's you.)
Biggest Surprise:
- Pushing Daisies (I'm becoming obsessed with this one. It makes me feel like a little kid when I'm watching it, what with the narration and the bright colors and whatnot. And the storyline's so tight. Thank you, writers, for not ruining this for me. Hey, writers of Chuck, you paying attention?)
Other Shows I Love:- Grey's Anatomy (You never let me down, Grey's. I'm still excited to watch every week. Thanks, Shonda.)
- Bones (Consistency is key. Always great romance, always cute script, always one of my favs.)
- House (Love it. How could I not?)
- ANTM (High drama. Editing genius. Tyra Banks. Need I say more?)
- Beauty and the Geek (I can't get enough of this show. It's like crack to me.)
- Curb Your Enthusiasm (Thanks for making another season, Larry. It still cracks me up, even after all these years.)
Shows Currently In Trouble With Lisa:
- Heroes (What happened??? This past week's wasn't any better! Actually, it may have been worse. Pull it together. Because right now, I'm not feeling this season at all. And believe me, you DON'T want to be deleted from my DVR. Take that as a warning.)
- Life (Losing a little luster, Life. I was a big fan. You've got two weeks to get it back to the high quality of the first couple eps. Or else.)- Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters (Ok, ABC shows. Both of you suffer the same curse with me. I never feel like watching you. Sure, once I'm watching I'm entertained. But right now I have three weeks of your shows backed up on my DVR waiting to be watched. This does not bode well for you. Especially DH - I gave you up once before. I'm not afraid to do it again.)
And that's the rundown. What about you, TV watchers? Which shows have you abandoned since the start of the season? Any surprise favs? Leave it in the comments!
Posted by
11:42 PM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Rock it!
Just a few of the endless reasons I love 30 Rock:
Tina Fey.
Tounge-in-cheek humor. (i.e. Jack's impressions of Tracy's family, Liz's "followship" award, references to G.E.)
Guest appearances by Will Arnett (you may remember him as G.O.B. from Arrested Development)
"Page-off." (Need I say more?)
Liz: "It was terrible. I went to her apartment. I don't think she has a toilet! I saw my future, Jack."
Jack: "Never go with a hippie to her second location."Liz Lemon: "Hi. I don't want to sound like a weirdo fan, but I am... obsessed with anything you've ever done... You are great. I grew up wanting to be you... You are my heroine. And by heroine, I mean lady hero. I don't want to inject you and listen to jazz! Hahahaha!"
Liz: "Have you been drinking WINE all day?"
Rachel: "Oh, it's heart healthy."
Liz: "ALL day?"
Rachel: "Oh come on Liz, it's the '90s!"
Liz: " Did an F train just go by your WINDOW?!"
Posted by
8:47 PM
Labels: 30 Rock
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Heroes woes
I'm trying to avoid yet another post about how much I love Pushing Daisies. So instead, I decided to post about why Heroes is making me nervous.Although I was a Johnny-Come-Lately, season one of Heroes amazed me. During the week that I holed myself up in my apartment to devour the show for the first time via DVD, I became obsessed, and I finally realized what the big deal was.
But I also know a good hook when I see one. Beyond the strong characterization, acting, script and graphics (yay comic books), the mantra "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" helped guide this show to its monumental heights of popularity. Who doesn't remember the commercials last year? Whispered mantra. Black screen. Pure promotional magic.
It wasn't just that. Season one also had a well-crafted, novel-style plot line, divulged in appropriate amounts at appropriate times. But you have to admit, without "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World," Heroes may not have become the pop culture phenom it is today.
Season one was well played by Tim Kring, the show's creator/writer/producer. NBC helped as well, with its clever two-hour programming slots and all the promotion, cross-promotion and hype. And you've gotta give Masi Oka a good deal of credit too. He's a hero (or, Hiro), who's hard to resist. He's simply adorable. Not to mention all the other attractive people on the show. (Mmm Sylar. He's my fave. Is that sociopathic of me?)Okay, so there's all that going for it, and season one ended strong. I wondered how they were going to maneuver season 2. Obviously they have to bring in new heroes, since several died last year. Also, I read enough articles to know they were bringing back some of the best (and hottest) characters, whose fates remained questionable in the controversial season finale. (Sylar, Peter, Nathan, Matt...)
But now that it's here, I seriously question how Kring has designed season 2. First of all, he added yet another pair of non-English-speaking heroes. Which is fine, I'm not trying to be ethnocentric. My problem is that the doubled subtitles means a lot of reading for a show that's already pretty intense and already requires heightened concentration. But that's manageable. On top of that, the plot is winding in questionable directions. And by winding I mean dragging along like a snail. The story's no longer epic... now it feels forced. The mystery is weak (granted, I'm comparing it to "save the cheerleader, save the world" - which can never be matched). And most of all, there's too much focus on the earlier generation of heroes. That might sound ageist, but I can't help it. Their characters are simply not as compelling as the younger ones - if not outright off-putting.It's okay though. I'm giving it time. Maybe it just needs to develop. Claire's storyline is the saving grace right now - I love the addition of the flying boyfriend and his hatred of Horn-Rimmed-Glasses man. (Flying Boy doesn't know Horn Rim is Claire's dad.) Hopefully we'll start seeing more of Peter - his new storyline is not boring and is wonderfully Irish-brogue-filled, even though it's kind of a classic cop-out. (Amnesia is still lame, even when the victim is a hero.) Sylar's still intriguing, of course. Even when he's not cutting brains open. And most importantly, next week Kristen Bell (she played Veronica Mars) joins the cast, and I hear her character's pretty badass.
So there's a lot that can turn around this season. But EW warned about two things that could ruin Heroes in season 2: not showing enough of our favorite characters, and inflated ego. I hate to say it, but I'm seeing both of these materializing before our eyes. (Kring, why are you dividing your energies by creating "Heroes: Generations"?? We don't need a new show - we need this one to stay as good as it was last season. Pay attention!)
I hope that now that the cheerleader has been saved, Kring can stop trying to save the world and instead save his own show. Come on, Heroes! Once more, with feeling.
Posted by
8:26 PM
Labels: Heroes
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Fall shows in trouble - no kidding.
Five new Fall shows in trouble - a Yahoo slide show.
Saw that one coming a mile away. Why, you ask?:
1) Nashville: Huh? Was this show even on the air? Great publicity, Fox. Plus... set in Nashville? No thanks. Not even on a Friday night. (Especially not against Friday Night Lights and Women's Murder Club.) Mosey along, Nashville.2) Cavemen: UGH Cavemen show, how I loathe thee. Advertising at its worst. Also, a gross display of greed and ego. Excuse me people. Sure, the commercials were funny and it was a clever ad campaign. Making it a TV show?! Get over yourselves.
3) K-Ville: Whether or not you think it's too early for a Katrina-themed crime show, this one had mediocre writing and was up against some time-slot show-stealers. It didn't have long to live.
4) Journeyman: As I've said before, this one's imminent demise is two-fold. First of all, bad programming. It's up against a few things on that front. What, you ask? a) similar demographic show: CSI Miami b) opposite demographic show: Bachelor c) the everything-killer: football and d) it's a poor-man's Heroes, on AFTER Heroes. So... no. Secondly, it's riddled with molasses-speed exposition without giving the viewer much in return. Sorry, Journeyman. I think your journey ends here.
5) Big Shots: I've expressed my problems with this show before. It's a really bad male version of Desperate Housewives that isn't even as good as Desperate Housewives is today (even in its decrepit, uninteresting, old age state). It's basically a bunch of assholes walking around on a golf course and having affairs - without a good script. Good actors, though, which may be its only saving grace. Also, it doesn't have much time slot competition - unless anyone still watches ER?
Posted by
6:15 PM
Labels: doomed shows, fall tv
I'm Pushing Pushing Daisies
Hey TV fans. Sorry - been slacking on my bloggage lately. Just wanted to write a quick post about last week's premiere of Pushing Daisies to help encourage you to watch it this week despite its competitive time slot.I'm naturally attracted to the show because of its bright colors and intriguing storyline. I'm naturally worried about this show because of its movie-like storyline and the fact that it causes me such angst to see two people who can't touch. Here's hoping the second episode is as good as the first.
Why was the first episode so good, you ask? Great writing, compelling plot. Great characters, great acting. Technicolor. Not too much exposition, but just enough to get you interested. Basically, despite its torturous plot line (guy and girl in love, guy can't touch girl or she'll die... kill me now), there's a lot in this show that will keep me watching. Including the main character's ethically sketchy use of his "gift" (or curse).
I know you'll be busy at that time watching child labor on Kid Nation, Tyra being a hot mess on Top Model, the supporting cast from Everybody Loves Raymond in their Fox sitcoms, the creepy fake banker on Deal or No Deal, or perhaps the reruns of Law and Order that are bound to be on about 20 channels at any time of day. But just for this week, DVR/Ti-Vo the other stuff. Give Pushing Daisies a shot. It's worth an hour of your life.
Posted by
6:00 PM
Labels: Pushing Daisies
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Pushin' it.
Pushing Daisies starts tonight. 8pm, ABC. Watch it. Love it. Cross your fingers for it. (Seriously, even if you're not thrilled with the premise, at least watch it for its cinematic splendor. In HD, if possible.) ;-)
Posted by
2:18 AM
Labels: HDTV, pilots, Pushing Daisies
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Catching up to do
Brief thoughts before my shows start tonight. I've been busy over this past week, with various nighttime commitments that have caused me to miss my shows. Thank the DVR gods, I was able to catch up this past weekend. Of course last night I ended up going to see my coworker's cousin's sketch comedy show instead of watching my shows at home. I caught my DVR'd HIMYM at midnight last night, but I couldn't stay awake through anything else, so I'm again behind on Heroes and Chuck. (Also, I need to start watching Aliens in America. I've heard great things.)
As for the shows that I missed last week, here are my thoughts after watching them this weekend. Let my opinions guide you (or fail to guide you) in this week's TV choices as you will.
TuesdayBones: Sorry, Brett. I love it. I'm a sucker for a TV show about partners with mad sexual tension. And this season premiere was Bones at its best. Who cares if the scientific explanations are always RIDICULOUSLY bad. The show is always funny, with lots of sexual tension. That's really all I need. [Lisa says: I Recommend. A-]
Beauty and the Geek: Still love it. [Lisa says: I Recommend. A-]
House: There's something so comforting about the formula of House. It's highly parody-able (that's not a word), which makes it that much more enjoyable. At the same time, the acting is fantabulous, and the show is downright hilarious. (Also, is it me or did you see Kal Penn in the preview for this week? Yes!) [Lisa says: I Recommend. A]Boston Legal: Although I don't think it deserved to win an Emmy over The Sopranos, I do enjoy this show. Why? Because it's CLASSIC David E. Kelley. And any TV scholar (yes, I just called myself that... if you think that's an oxy moron, I think you're an actual moron - and quite judgmental - and you can shove it) can appreciate David Kelley's impact on the industry. LA Law is his biggest claim to fame as far as the history of tv goes. But I was a fan of Picket Fences and The Practice when I was younger, I was a fan of Ally McBeal after that (WHEN are you releasing the DVDs, David? Get OVER yourself), and who can deny the rest of his TV resume: Doogie Howser (NPH!!!!), Chicago Hope, Boston Public. Anyway, Boston Legal isn't a show I get really excited about watching every week, but once it's on I'm glad I did. [Lisa says: I recommend. B+]
Back to You: I knew the mediocre pilot was deceiving. I thought last Wednesday's episode of BTY was pretty redeeming. Funny, classic sitcom with awesome star power. If you're into comedies with alternative humor like I am (The Office, Arrested Development, Scrubs, HIMYM, you get the idea), don't expect anything like that - lest you be sorely disappointed. But if you're up for some classic newsroom sitcom antics, you'll be pleased. [Lisa says: It depends. B]
'Til Death: Brett hates it, I like it. (I only mention this because I respect Brett's TV opinions, and if he hates something, it's worth noting before you decide whether to watch.) It's pretty sarcastic, which is why I like it. Not that interesting as far as story lines. But it makes me laugh. [Lisa says: It depends. B]
ANTM: Tyra's a mess and I love it. [Lisa says: I recommend. A-]Private Practice: It's no Grey's Anatomy (sorry Brett, I know you hate Grey's). A lot about this show depends on whether you liked or hated Addison on Grey's. Also, just a disclaimer: this show is NOT appropriate for children. Or men. Unless you're a man who's entirely comfortable with multiple storylines about childbirth, insemination, abortion, pap smears, and lots and lots of va-jay-jays. I liked it (it helps that I love so many of the actors in it), but I can't see any of my male friends who watch Grey's actually opening up to watch Private Practice. [Lisa says: Only recommended for women. B]
Bionic Woman: I thought I'd hate it. Ended up really liking it. Lots of girl power in this show, but also lots of espionage, cool technology, interesting characters and mega butt-kicking. Hopefully once they get past the exposition it will get more interesting. I love a good conspiracy story. [Lisa says: I recommend. For now. B+]
Gossip Girl: Yeah, I still can't resist this show. I think it depends how you're watching it. No highly intellectual stuff here. And the whiny-ness of the privileged white kids can get irritating. But the characters are interesting, both the girls and guys are absolutely gorgeous, and it's mindless smut with haves/have-nots moral overtones. Like it or leave it as you will. [Lisa says: It depends. B+]Dirty Sexy Money: I love Peter Krause. Also, mega corruption here. However, I feel it becoming one of those shows I forget to watch, and I don't think the pilot lived up to its spectacular banner ads. But it was intriguing enough for me to keep watching. If only because I love Peter Krause. [Lisa says: It depends. B-]
Life: LOVED IT. I saw the preview for this quite some time ago, thanks to Brett. I doubted this show's stickiness, although I thought it looked great. Well I've gotta tell ya, it exceeded my expectations. I'm hoping it doesn't fizzle under the weight of its similar-demographic time-slot competitors, CSI: Miami (shoot me in the face) and Dirty Sexy Money. If you're gonna watch one show in this time slot, let it be Life. (I'm looking at you, Nielsen viewers.) [Lisa says: I recommend. A+]
ThursdayThe Office: UGH I LOVE THIS SHOW. Seriously, this was one of the best eps yet. Lots of Jim and Pam (JAM) goodness, and so many laughs that my stomach hurt. Seriously, I can't get enough of The Office. I'm in love with it, let's just leave it at that. [Lisa says: Recommend isn't a strong enough word for what I feel about this show. A++]
Grey's Anatomy: Strong start for everyone's favorite soap. (Except Brett. Sorry Brett.) I'm glad Shonda hasn't lost her touch. Lots of new plot elements and characters this year, but our old favs are back to their old tricks. Still love it. Seriously. [Lisa says: I recommend. A]
Big Shots: Only lasted through half of it. It's terrible. Not much interesting going on. Love Josh Malina, but even he can't get me to watch this show. For a series trying to be Desperate Housewives For Men, it sure has a long way to go. You can only watch a bunch of assholes walking around on a golf course for so long. Especially without a good script. [Lisa says: Steer clear. D]
Sunday (Yeah, that's this week's TV, but I watched it, so here it is):
Desperate Housewives: Getting old. Can't believe it's signed for so many more years. Hoping the storyline gets a little more interesting than last season. There was some good stuff in the episode, but also some stuff that was a bore. Come on Housewives, you can do it! [Lisa says: Eh. C-]Brothers and Sisters: Strong start to the season. In case you don't know, it's a sappy soap drama with liberal leanings and a strong political theme. But great acting, compelling storylines... and did I mention great acting? I'm a fan. [Lisa says: I recommend. As long as you're not socially conservative - if you are, you'll hate it. If you're not, watch away! B+]
That's the rundown. Sorry to give it all at once! I'll do better at keeping up with this from now on. :-) Peace out, TV homies.
Posted by
7:42 PM
Labels: ANTM, Back to You, Beauty and the Geek, Bones, Boston Legal, Brothers and Sisters, Desperate Housewives, Dirty Sexy Money, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, House, Life, Private Practice, The Office